
Semper Fidelis

Always faithful


I am a Doberman owner, lover, and advocate of this lovely breed for over 35 years.  In those years, I have learned many lessons, healthcare solutions, and behavior tips that I think will benefit other Doberman owners. I am sharing the Dobermanexperience.com as a posting point for all of us to share our experiences from our ownership of Dobies, so that we can all learn unique experiences from one another.


(1) As the owner of this site/blog these are my own experiences.  I am not a vet , so Rule #1 ALWAYS consult your vet first, but do not be intimidated by them and ask many questions and look for alternatives!

(2) My experiences are not meant to harm, humiliate, purge, or injure anyone or their dog should you choose to act on any provided information.

(3) Any comments left on the blog are the sole responsibility by the person who wrote them.

(4) Please contact me if there is content offensive and insensitive to you.(5) This a legal disclaimer within the boundaries of sharing information for knowledge purposes.